Hubungan RI dan Amerika Serikat
(AS) telah terbina sejak sebelum Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI tahun 1945.
Kemudian pada 28 Desember 1949, Amerika Serikat membuka Kedutaan Besar
Amerika di Jakarta dan menunjuk Duta Besar AS pertama untuk Indonesia,
Horace Merle Cochran. Pada 20 Februari 1950, Pemerintah Indonesia
menunjuk Dr. Ali Sastroamidjojo sebagai Duta Besar RI pertama untuk
Amerika. Selanjutnya kedua negara melakukan kerjasama di berbagai
bidang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan perkembangan kedua belah pihak.
Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat
memiliki landasan kuat dalam melakukan kerjasama untuk kepentingan kedua
belah pihak yang berlandaskan pada adanya nilai-nilai dasar yang
dihormati bersama (shared values), yaitu demokrasi, good governance,
penghormatan hak asasi manusia, dan masyarakat yang plural dan toleran.
Berdasarkan landasan tersebut, Indonesia mengharapkan tercapainya
hubungan yang lebih luas dan mendalam dengan pemerintah AS di masa
mendatang, berdasarkan prinsip equity, mutual respect dan mutual benefit.
ini tidak serta merta membuka peluang dan jalan mulus bagi Indonesia
dalam melakukan kerjasamanya dengan Amerika mengingat kedua belah pihak
memiliki standar dan kriteria berbeda khususnya norma dan budaya
kelokalan yang dimiliki. Meskipun telah disepakati kerja sama bersifat
menyeluruh melalui dukungan terhadap integritas teritorial, perkembangan
demokrasi dan reformasi, serta upaya Indonesia dalam menjaga stabilitas
nasional yang tercatat dalam Joint Statement Presiden RI dan Presiden AS pada saat kunjungan Presiden Bush ke Indonesia, 20 November 2006, yang menyebutkan bahwa “...the
two countries are bound by a broad based-democratic partnership based
on equality, mutual respect, common interests and the shared values of
freedom, pluralism and tolerance...” .
Meskipun demikain, terdapat beberapa bidang kerjasama yang selalu menghasilkan output
yang sama tanpa perbaikan yang nyata, bahkan bisa disebut sebagai
agenda rutin tahunan kerjasama kedua belah pihak. Bidang-bidang tersebut
antara lain adalah pertama, kerjasama dalam mengatasi perubahan iklim.
Kedua adalah kerja sama dalam menciptakan dan melaksanakan
prinsip-prinsip good governance yang bertumpu pada
pemberantasan Korupsi Kolusi dan Nepotisme (KKN). Hal ini dikarenakan
KKN merupakan penyebab utama dari tidak berfungsinya hukum di Indonesia
sehingga memerlukan best practice yang telah berpengalaman
untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut. Dari hasil kerjasama yang bersifat
rutin dan stagnan perbaikan, setidaknya terdapat dua cara dalam
memberantas KKN yaitu mencegah (preventif) dan upaya penanggulangan
bidang kerjsama lainnya yang masih belum memerlukan peningkatan peran
aktif dan kontribusi adalah kerjasama bidang pendidikan, bidang energi,
dan bidang penanganan bencana. Untuk bidang energi, sebenarnya Indonesia
dan AS ingin mengembangkan kerjasama di bidang pembangunan bioenergi,
atau biofuel sebagai energi alternatif. Dalam hal ini Amerika
Serikat telah siap untuk berbagi di bidang teknologi dan hal–hal lain
yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan energi alternatif khususnya biofuel, akan tetapi msih belum bisa terwujud.
kerja sama yang menghasilkan dampak stagnan, terdapat kerja sama yang
cukup baik dan perlu mendapat prioritas, antara lain kerja sama dalam
hal pengurangan emisi dari lahan gambut dan LULUCF (Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry)
melalui lima program yaitu informasi dasar, kebijakan yang menyeluruh,
peningkatan kapasitas untuk pemangku kepentingan lokal, penerapan konsep
yang telah terbukti dan alokasi dana khusus untuk lahan gambut dan
Kerja sama
lain yang perlu mendapat prioritas adalah isu Laut Cina Selatan.
Kesepakatan kerja sama ini bersifat krusial, sebab kedua negara secara
langsung memiliki kepentingan vital di perairan tersebut. Bagi
Washington, terciptanya kebebasan bernavigasi di Laut Cina Selatan
merupakan hal yang tidak bisa dikompromikan. Adapun bagi Jakarta,
keutuhan wilayahnya di Laut Natuna yang berbatasan dengan Laut Cina
Selatan yang diklaim pula oleh Beijing adalah suatu isu yang tidak bisa
kerja sama hubungan keagamaan dan pemberantasan terorisme di antara
kedua belah pihak mengingat warga negara di kedua negara yang bersifat
majemuk dengan berbagai macam aliran agama dan adanya gerakan-gerakan
yang bersifat radikal. Hal ini seperti diungkapkan oleh Presiden AS
Barack Obama yang menjanjikan hubungan yang lebih baik dengan dunia
Muslim khususnya Indonesia dan menyerukan perang terhadap terorisme yang
telah membunuh orang-orang tidak berdosa.
Relations RI and the United States (U.S.) have been nurtured since before the Proclamation of Independence in 1945. Then
on December 28, 1949, the United States opened the U.S. Embassy in
Jakarta and appoint the first U.S. ambassador to Indonesia, Horace Merle
Cochran. On February 20, 1950, the Indonesian Government appointed Dr. Sastroamidjojo as the first Ambassador to the United States. The next two countries to cooperate in various fields in accordance with the needs and development of both parties.
Indonesia and the United States has a strong foundation in cooperation for the benefit of both parties based on the basic values which are respected together (shared values), namely democracy, good governance, respect for human rights and a pluralistic and tolerant society. Based on these premises, Indonesia expects the achievement of a more broad and deep with the U.S. government in the future, based on principles of equity, mutual respect and mutual benefit.
premise is not necessarily open up opportunities and smooth the way for
Indonesia in cooperation with the U.S. to remember the two sides have
different standards and criteria and cultural norms in particular
locality owned. Although
it has been agreed upon comprehensive cooperation through support to
the territorial integrity, democratic development and reform, as well as
Indonesia's efforts in maintaining national stability recorded in the
Joint Statement President and President of the United States at the time
of President Bush's visit to Indonesia, 20 November 2006, which states
that "...
the two countries are bound by a broad-based democratic partnership
based on equality, mutual respect, common interests and the shared
values of freedom, pluralism and tolerance ...".
Although demikain, there are several areas of cooperation which always produces the same output with no noticeable improvement, even can be called as an annual agenda of cooperation for both parties. These areas include the first, cooperation in tackling climate change. Both are working together in creating and implementing the principles of good governance, which is based on the eradication of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN). This is because corruption is a major cause of non-functioning of law in Indonesia that require best practice that has been experienced to solve the problem. From the results of cooperation and stagnant routine repairs, there are at least two ways in combating corruption is prevented (preventive) and the response (repression).
Three other areas of cooperation are still not require an increase in active participation and contribution are cooperative education, energy, and the field of disaster management. For the energy sector, Indonesia and the U.S. actually wants to develop cooperation in the development of bioenergy, or biofuel as an alternative energy. In this case the United States is ready to share in the field of technology and other matters relating to the development of alternative energy, especially biofuels, but msih not be realized.
Although demikain, there are several areas of cooperation which always produces the same output with no noticeable improvement, even can be called as an annual agenda of cooperation for both parties. These areas include the first, cooperation in tackling climate change. Both are working together in creating and implementing the principles of good governance, which is based on the eradication of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN). This is because corruption is a major cause of non-functioning of law in Indonesia that require best practice that has been experienced to solve the problem. From the results of cooperation and stagnant routine repairs, there are at least two ways in combating corruption is prevented (preventive) and the response (repression).
Three other areas of cooperation are still not require an increase in active participation and contribution are cooperative education, energy, and the field of disaster management. For the energy sector, Indonesia and the U.S. actually wants to develop cooperation in the development of bioenergy, or biofuel as an alternative energy. In this case the United States is ready to share in the field of technology and other matters relating to the development of alternative energy, especially biofuels, but msih not be realized.
In addition to co-produce the impact of stagnant, there is a fairly good cooperation and should receive high priority, including cooperation in terms of reducing emissions from peatlands and LULUCF (Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry) through five programs, namely the basic information, policy reform, capacity building for local stakeholders, the application of proven concepts and allocation of special funds for peat and LULUCF.
Another collaboration that should receive high priority is the issue of the South China Sea. This cooperation agreement is crucial, because both countries have vital interests directly in the waters. For Washington, the creation of freedom of navigation in the South China Sea is a thing that can not be compromised. As for Jakarta, the integrity of its territory in Natuna Sea bordering the South China Sea also claimed by Beijing is an issue that is not negotiable.
Furthermore, cooperation against terrorism and religious ties between the two sides given the citizens of both countries that are diverse with a wide variety of religious sects and movements that are radical. This was expressed by U.S. President Barack Obama promises better relations with the Muslim world, especially Indonesia and called for war against terrorism that has killed innocent people.
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